Green First Aid Kit – Item No. 3: CURING PILLS

curing pillPill Curing. Culing Pills. Kang Ning Wan. Po Chai Pills. Bao Ji Pian. All names for another little miracle remedy – for stomach troubles (acute gastrointestinal disorders): indigestion, abdominal pain, bloating, belching, reflux, nausea, vomiting, even diarrhea – from overeating, excessive drinking and/or food poisoning. That’s a lot of good work! (AND, they are GREAT for HANGOVERS!) It is one first aid remedy to take with wherever you go.

The Curing Pill formula originated over a century ago in Southern China where the weather is hot and humid especially during the summer, so people drink cooling herbal teas to clear the heat and aid digestion. There seem to be several stories. One tells of a plague in China during which the people suffered from vomiting and diarrhea. A formula to cure the plague came to a doctor in his dream and then became the famous Curing Pill or Po Chai (‘Protecting the People’) formula. dr li po chaiAnother story says that a Buddhist monk prepared an herbal digestive cooling tea and offered it freely to anyone, and to one certain Mr. Li (Li Shiu Ke) who turned the formula into a teapill preparation. When he and his family left mainland China during the Civil War, they took the formula to Hong Kong and established a company there. The result was then two companies making the formula, one still on the mainland (where they are called Curing Pills) and one in Hong Kong (where they are known as Po Chai Pills).

In the terms of traditional Chinese medicine, the 16 herbs that make up the Curing Pill formula work to relieve ‘exterior’ symptoms (chill, fever, headache), remove ‘dampness’ (nausea, queasiness, phlegm), reduce ‘food stagnation’ and ‘harmonize’ the stomach. These functions direct your digestive system to overcome all the above-noted conditions.

curingpill pf

Also, and finally, because several of the herbs (as we say in TCM) ‘calm the Liver’ and ‘disperse the Wind’ (meaning they work together to relieve headache and dizziness along with stomach discomforts), this formula is an excellent choice to prevent and remedy motion sickness. Take them along on your next road trip – or ocean cruise!

Curing Pills  — the Number 3 ‘Must Be There’ Item in your medicine cabinet. 

