Gut Bacteria Might Guide The Workings Of Our Minds

I LOVE it when one of my favorite ideas become someone’s research project!!
Check out this story…

“Gut Bacteria Might Guide The Workings Of Our Minds”

I heard this broadcast on NPR Morning Edition and you can listen to it online here:

Dr. Emeran Mayer is a professor of medicine and psychiatry at the University of California, Los Angeles who is thinking that the bacteria in our digestive tract may help determine how our brains develop and continue possibly to influence mood, behavior and feelings in adulthood. Using MRI brain scans of thousands of volunteers, he compares brain structure to the types of bacteria in their guts. He believes he already has the first signs of connection.

You can listen in to get the whole scoop (story). Here is a confirmation that we are finding out what we already know (if you LOVE Chinese Medicine) – that we are all connected: mind/body/spirit/organ to extremity/inside to exterior/head to toe/heart to mind/mind to gut!! It’s so interesting to see how scientific research can find its way to demonstrating how we work beyond the linear.
