Green First Aid Kit – Item No. 8: YIN CARE

YC_Orig_100From experience, my opinion about yet another CANNOT DO WITHOUT remedy, is firm – and confirmed. This blog will be about Yin Care, a topical liquid concentrate, effective for all manner of skin and gynecological presentations. In various dilutions, Yin Care becomes a compress or dressing, a wash, a sitz bath or a rub. If you are female (especially), you should keep this amazing product in your medicine cabinet. Yin Care is China’s most widely used topical for bacterial, viral and fungal skin conditions and is as popular there as any OTC vaginal care product is here in the USA. Millions of bottles are sold each year.

Yin Care is a combination of 14 highly extracted anti-pathogenic herbs. The exceptional medicinal effects depend on the blending of the cooked, condensed herbs and their distilled essential oils. In China under its Chinese name Jie Er Yin Xi Ye (“Clean Your ‘Yin’ Wash/Liquid”) has been the focus of over one hundred hospital and research studies, giving us data (and confidence) regarding its efficacy and usefulness. Specifically, Yin Care improves and/or resolves these now-tested conditions:  acne, rosacea, allergic dermatitis, athlete’s foot, cold sores, fever blisters, eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections, hemorrhoids, lesions & abscesses, poison ivy, poison oak, rashes, scalp dermatitis, shingles, stings & bites, contact dermatitis, herpes zoster, erysipelis, varicose syndrome, impetigo, N. gonorrhea, cural tinea infection, candida albicans, genital herpes sores, vulvitis, cervicitis, fungal, viral or bacterial vaginitis, pelvic inflammation, vaginal discharges, side-effects of radiation for cervical cancer, STD’s and yeast infections.

That is quite a list.

While the modern manufacture of Yin Care is state of the art, they say the Yin Care formula began as an old Daoist prescription from the area around the city of Chengdu in Sichuan Province, China (see illustration on Front Blog Page of Dujiangyan Irrigation System, also in Sichuan, built more than 2,200 years ago and probably the oldest functioning water-control project in the world). It was used as a bath to prepare for each of the four seasons as protection from ‘pathogenic factors’ (illnesses & disease conditions). Chengdu is hot and humid so topical fungal infections and other skin conditions were likely to have been very common. In order to make the formula available to all the people of Chengdu, the manufacturing of Jie Er Yin Xi Ye formula began in 1982. By 1991, after medical studies began to confirm its effectiveness as a topical application, the Chinese government approved the product and, as I mentioned already, millions of bottles are sold and used every year.

To digress for a moment regarding its given name “Yin” Care. Why “Yin”? When considering Yin and Yang, Yin is ‘Female’ and Yang is ‘Male’ (yin and yang designate relative & opposite qualities and aspects). This is a very Female (gynecological) condition resolving medicinal. Also. When considering internal and/or external qualities and comparing, in the same manner as male/female, ‘dryness’ to ‘damp’, then dryness is yang and damp is yin (fluid is yin). This is a medicinal that resolves damp conditions and is principally comprised of herbs that are native to a very damp region of China. This formula comes by its name quite properly.

In my own practice, I see so many improvements and resolutions of skin and gynecological conditions with Yin Care that I never hesitate to recommend its use. Awhile back, one of my patients thought to ask me if I knew of anything that might help her grandmother with her uncomfortable, painful, troublesome feet…she had a fungal infection in her toes that she had never been able to completely resolve and with her age it was simply getting worse and worse. I sent her off with Yin Care and instructions for her grandmother to soak her feet every day for a period of time and to let me know how it worked for her. After a couple of weeks my patient came back asking for as many bottles as I had on my shelf that day for all her grandmother’s friends and acquaintances! It had worked so well!!

Although Yin Care is not strictly ‘emergency care’ medicine, it is, nonetheless, a ‘first aid remedy’ to have on hand.
