Green First Aid Kit – Item No. 5: BURN CREAM

CHING WAN HUNG (“Capital Absolute Red”)


Ching Wan Hung Burn Ointment is another of China’s major herbal medicines, used for all degrees of burns and so effective that it is used in hospitals for the most serious third degree burns. It should be your go-to topical first aid remedy for burns (chemical burns and sunburns as well as burns caused by fire, electricity, steam and scalding). Treat hemorrhoids, poison oak, poison ivy, dermatitis, acne and heat rash. Parents can use Ching Wan Hung for baby’s diaper rash. Cancer patients receiving radiation treatment will find this ointment soothing and healing.

Apply Ching Wan Hung immediately! It reduces the pain, swelling and blistering of burns and scalds. It can be applied directly on an open wound to decrease inflammation and infection, promote regeneration of damaged tissue and prevent scarring.

For first degree burns, simply apply the ointment. No covering is necessary. Note that this red salve, like Red Tiger Balm, can stain clothing.

For more serious burns, put ointment on the burn and cover with gauze. Once a day wipe off the ointment along with any dead skin. Then reapply the Ching Wan Hung and gauze and continue this way until the burn is completely healed.

Ching Wan Hung’s red color comes from the several burn-treating herbs in the ointment (wan hung means myriad red ingredients and ching means capital referring to the origin of the formula in a capital city). Pistacia chinensis, with its distinctive red foliage, treats ulcerations and rashes and is a common remedy for dermatitis from poison oak and ivy and other similar allergens. Sanguisorba officinalis, with brilliant purplish-red flowers and similarly colored roots, contains tannins and saponins that dry out wounds, decrease exudation and infection and is applied as a topical treatment for insect bites and scalds. The red-orange fruit of the Chaenomeles lagenaria – also with bright red-orange flowers – has abundant organic acids that inhibit bacteria growth.  Internally and topically, this herb treats pain, skin irritation and swelling (and is especially good for spasms and arthralgia!).

Ching Wan Hung Burn Cream also contains frankincense, lobelia, myrrh, carthamus flower, angelica dang gui and borneol.

Keep Ching Wan Hung in your kitchen – near the stove of course! – and in your Green First Aid Kit!!! An essential for emergencies!
