Smoking Cessation with Acupuncture
At ALC we are dedicated to helping you set rational priorities for a healthy and long life. If you have tried more than once, or never yet, to quit smoking, we would like to assist you in kicking that ‘nasty habit’. It costs you money, shortens your life and keeps you addicted. Most people who smoke really do want to give it up, knowing deep down that smoking is not doing their body any good. Friends and families will be wishing and praying for the day that step is finally taken. Let’s not have one more day of second-hand (or first-hand) smoke!
Acupuncture is a successful treatment for Smoking Cessation. It is not a magic cure. Your intention must be set and your homework/hard work is required! (That means take your herbs, keep busy, exercise more, breathe, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, avoid junk food, drink water, stay away from bars and people who are smoking, think positively and proudly of yourself!) Treatments address all your symptoms and who YOU are – balancing the body energies, clearing the lungs with Chinese herbal formulations, calming the jitters and cravings, resolving irritability and restlessness. You may become another permanent ex-smoker!
Smoking Cessation Program
Smoking Cessation Program
Our Smoking Cessation Program is a Three to Five Week Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Formulations Protocol.
- First Visit: New Patient intake and treatment session
- Week 1: Daily Auricular (Ear acupuncture) treatments, 30 minutes each day. You can relax on a treatment table or in the massage chair.
- Weeks 2 & 3: 3 auricular treatments, 30 minutes every other day
- Weeks 4 and 5 when needed: 3 auricular treatments, 30 minutes every other day.
- Every Week: Stop Smoking formulas, daily dosages throughout. Encapsulated formulas are available in the office and are included as part of the protocol. The primary Stop Smoking formula taken to regulate tobacco craving is TobacOff & the support formula for calmness and non-irritability is JittersAway.
Reasons To Quit
Reasons To Quit
- Cigarettes are made from as many as 4,000 different chemicals. 43 are known cancer-causing compounds. 400 other of these chemicals are known toxins including nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide, cyanide, benzene, methanol, formaldehyde, ammonia, arsenic and DDT.
- According to the CDC, tobacco causes 443,000 premature deaths each year and is associated with COPD, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer, high blood pressure, shortness of breath, chronic cough and an increase in the occurrences of colds and flu.
- Tobacco leaves used in making cigarettes may contain radioactive materials.
Notable Facts
Notable Facts
- Despite current, slightly lower numbers of adult smokers, smoking remains a major threat to public health.
- More than 50 million Americans smoke and the numbers are greater in other countries.
- Worldwide, one of three people over the age of 18 smoke.
- In spite of the media and advertising blasts, many teens are still getting hooked. Over 20 percent of high school students smoke and they will be the future sufferers of some or all of the negative health consequences.